
Weight Management

Keeping a healthy weight is good for your overall health. Being overweight increases your risk for many types of diseases and health problems. If you eat more calories than your body needs, the extra calories are stored as body fat. The best and healthiest way to lose weight is to decrease the number of calories … Continue reading

July 2, 2020 Education

Urinary Tract Infections

The urinary tract is the body’s drainage system for removing waste and extra water. It includes two kidneys, two ureters, a bladder and a urethra. Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are the second most common type of infection in the body. You may have a UTI if you notice: – Pain or burning when you … Continue reading

July 2, 2020 Education

Quitting Smoking

Tobacco use is the most common preventable cause of death. About half of the people who don’t quit smoking will die of smoking-related problems. Quitting smoking is important for your health and provides many benefits. Soon after you quit, your circulation begins to improve, and your blood pressure starts to return to normal. Your sense … Continue reading

July 2, 2020 Education

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a form of arthritis that causes pain, swelling, stiffness and loss of function in your joints. It can affect any joint but is common in the wrist and fingers. More women than men get rheumatoid arthritis. It often starts between ages 25 and 55. You might have the disease for only … Continue reading

July 2, 2020 Education

Neck Pain And Exercises

Exercising your neck can make it stronger, more flexible and reduce neck pain caused by stress and fatigue. The neck muscles are attached to the bones of the shoulders, spine, and head. The most common causes of neck pain are bad body posture, bad movement, and arthritis of the neck. Overusing the muscles, especially if … Continue reading

July 2, 2020 Education
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